ReactJS and React are both javascript libraries that help you build the front end of your web application. ReactJS is use in large-scale applications, while React Native is use in mobile applications on platforms such as Android, iOS, and Windows. As a rule of thumb, if your website or application has a sizeable mobile component, you should consider using react native development company.
Below we have given you a quick overview and differences between React JS and React Native to help you understand these two technologies in depth.
React JS- an overview
React JS is an open-source JavaScript library use to build user interfaces for applications, specifically for the web. It is consider a state-of-the-art library because of its ability to efficiently manage state, its composability, and its reactive programming nature. React is use by major companies such as Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix.
ReactJS makes it easy to create user interfaces by using components. Components are just pieces of HTML code that contain your chosen information, and React will automatically render them into the user interface. Components let you create reusable code, which can make your code more methodical and easier to read.
Pros of React JS
- Reactjs is a JavaScript library that provides a virtual DOM. It is a view layer and state layer for building user interfaces. The virtual DOM allows components to be re-render without impacting the user directly while preserving the initial state. This makes it possible to write maintainable and testable code that only updates the parts of the UI that have change and adds new features without breaking changes.
- React creates an in-memory data structure cache that computes the resulting differences and then seamlessly updates the browser’s displayed DOM.
- ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and user experiences on the web. It is famous for building single-page web applications, as it is opinion and opinion-free, and it can help simplify the development process for the user. ReactJS is easier to learn and use than most other web development frameworks, making it popular with developers who come from a JavaScript background.
- React JS makes it easy to create dynamic web applications. It provides less coding, which means you can create more functionality, and it offers more functionality than many other frameworks. It’s popular and well-support, so you can be sure that your application will be reliable and up to date.
- A ReactJS web application is made up of multiple components, and each of those components can be reuse wherever you need them. The most common example is the React Router, which lets you navigate your app differently depending on which URL the user navigates. React Router is a web application navigation framework that allows you to navigate between any web pages in your app.
- ReactJS supports virtual DOM and uses it to improve the performance of your application. It is easy to use, declarative, composable, and flexible. It is still in the early stages of development, but the documentation and source code is open, so you can review them and help get it better by forking the project on GitHub and sending pull requests. It is also possible for you to help contribute to the ecosystem by contributing to the React ecosystem as a maintainer or committer.
- Using ReactJS is probably the most critical decision you can make in your web development career. It improves your application’s performance, scaling, and usability, and its user interface is exceptionally accessible and intuitive.
- ReactJS has evolved from a small concept to a significant industry player. It’s now one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks on Earth, powering the websites of many sites around the web.
Cons of React JS
- React JS continually changes so fast, making it hard for developers to adopt all these changes with continuous updates. React is an exciting framework to learn for web developers. It has a lot of potentials and can be used to create compelling and dynamic websites. However, it can be challenging to keep up with all the changes.
- React technologies are updating and accelerating so fast that there is no time to make proper documentation. React technologies are constantly changing, and it can be challenging to keep up with the latest changes.
- ReactJS covers only the UI Layers of the app and nothing else, so you still need to choose some other technologies to get a complete tooling set for development in the project. However, some libraries can help with this. For example, Express is a web development framework that handles web servers and front-end applications. It’s popular because it’s simple to use and has a lot of modules available.
React Native- An overview
React Native is a popular open-source JavaScript framework for developing a mobile application for iOS, Android, and Windows. It has an extensive library of components and tools that make creating applications easy and fast. React Native is becoming more popular as developers create more cross-platform apps.
React Native is the same as React, but it uses native components instead of web components as building blocks and targets mobile platforms rather than the browser. It is created with JavaScript but runs on the phone, desktop, and browser. This makes it more versatile.
Pros of React Native
- React provides the facility of “Learn once write everywhere, and works for both platform Android as well as iOS devices.” Even though react provides a familiar programming language, it is also fiercely independent. React builds on top of JavaScript (V8) and CSS (Sass) and allows developers to build complex applications without being dependent on a single framework or technology.
- The code written in React Native is compiled into native code, enabling it for both operating systems and functions in the same way on both platforms.
- The React community has grown to become one of the most supportive and helpful communities out there, and beyond that, it has provided countless resources. A large community of React users helps support those who have questions. Some features of iOS and Android are still not supported, and the community is constantly inventing the best practices.
- Developers have long been able to reload their applications to check for errors, but hot reloading allows developers to instantly see the changes they made in the code. This makes debugging much more accessible and speeds up the development process. This feature has a few obvious benefits, such as not having to wait for a page to load before seeing the changes, but it also has some less obvious ones. For example, suppose you are trying to debug a problem and have to reload the page several times. In that case, you will be able to see the situation more easily if it is fixed while the page is reloaded rather than after several reloads.
- React Native has the incredible feature of reusing code components, which saves a tremendous amount of time and money required to develop an application from scratch, especially regarding application logic reuse.
Cons of React Native
- React Native is a newbie in Android and iOS programming languages and is still in its improvement stage, which can harm the apps. While it has several advantages, such as ease of development, it can also have a number of disadvantages, such as a lack of experience in certain areas.
- React Native is a JavaScript library and open-source framework, which creates a gap in the security factor. It has been observed that JavaScript is vulnerable to vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) and remote code execution (RCE). This makes React Native a potential vector for cybercrime.
- React Native takes a lot of time to initialize the runtime, even for hi-tech gadgets and devices. This delays the start of the application and increases the chances of errors.
Comparison between React JS and React Native
Base Derivative
React JS can be considered a base derivative of the React DOM; on the other hand, React Native can be regarded as a base derivative. They are essentially the same, just different toolkits and with additional frameworks. You would usually tell the two apart by looking at the structure: React Native frameworks are more lightweight, and React JS frameworks are more complex and feature-rich.
React Native was built from the ground up to build native interfaces with JavaScript. It takes in a set of source files as input and spits out a bunch of JavaScript source files. Run on a regular web browser, and produce the same output HTML that would be made by running. The input JavaScript source files directly into the browser. On the other hand, React JS originally is a JavaScript library that aids developers in programming user interface. That layers with enhanced performance and dynamo. React JS is created and maintained by Facebook. React developers have receive JS well for its performance and ease of use.
Browser rendering
In React JS, the virtual DOM (VDOM) is a way of representing a component tree programmatically. It is responsible for keeping a representation of the component hierarchy in sync with the actual DOM. Propagating it to the following rendering round. React Native is a platform for building user interfaces with React, a JavaScript library. React Native renders the UI with the help of JSX, which stands for JavaScript XML.
React JS uses CSS for creating styling for coding components. Animation in React JS is driven using CSS, similar to web development. This means that the styles use in React JS are particular and may not be appropriate for other types of applications.
You need to make use of an animat API to incorporate animation in various components of the application. This is because React Native provides a dedicate animation library that makes creating smooth and engaging animations easy.
What’s the final take?
To be specific, whether React JS or React Native. Both have their own set of pros and cons and are constantly evolving. Today businesses are looking forward to building a seamless platform for their end-users. Both these technologies have a lot to offer.
You must evaluate your requirements and pick react js development services or react native. The final call is driven by the scope of development. The number of skills and expertise you require for your project.