Our husbands said we would never make it selling “only nothing bundt cakes birthday”!! We had to operate in what is known as “stealth mode” in order to make it a reality. One day, we went to the library and spent five hours researching and coming up with ideas. Earlier, we had arranged for a babysitter to watch our children.
Our husbands were under the impression that we were going shopping! Starbucks was the location of our company meetings, and we penned our business plan after spending several hours at Barnes & Noble conducting research on how to launch your own company.
Dream Burned Brilliantly
We were ready for the subsequent meeting with the family that we had. We had a clear understanding of who would make up our target market, how we would distribute the product to that market, how much our first investment would be, and what part each of our partners would play in the business.
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The dream burned brilliantly, and we were able to keep a close eye on the flame at all times. We envisioned ourselves operating our nothing bundt cakes birthday shop, selling our exquisite creations to delighted clients, and were prepared to do whatever it took to make this dream a reality.
Beginning Of The Business
Since the day we began our business in 1998, our clients, friends, and family have “gathered round,” and we have taken great pleasure in being a part of the important life events they have celebrated. Today, we are a franchise (you should have heard the no’s! ), and we want to deliver nothing but the tastiest nothing bundt cakes birthday all over the world.
Business Spotlight: Nothing Bundt Cakes
If you want to create the ideal nothing bundt cakes birthday , you need to start with the ideal components. The use of fresh eggs, butter, and cream cheese, in addition to providing exceptional service to customers and maintaining a warm and inviting atmosphere, results in not just a delicious cake but also a successful enterprise.
Enter Charlie Shabazz, owner and operator of nothing bundt cakes birthday in Tucker, Georgia. She has perfected the recipe by using quality components, including her friendly demeanor and passion for both the work that she performs and the customers that she serves.
Nothing Bundt Cakes Mission
At nothing bundt cakes birthday, the goal is to build a cake that not only makes you think of home but also introduces you to a new world, and this is what customers have come to expect from this locally owned and run bakery. nothing bundt cakes birthday was founded in 2007.
Start In The World Of Franchising
We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Charlie and tell you the tale of how she got her start in the world of franchising, as well as how you can help support this nothing bundt cakes birthday by purchasing one of their delectable treats.
Own Nothing Bundt Cakes Franchise
What prompted you to start your very own nothing bundt cakes birthday franchise or was the driving force behind your decision. I had a job as a certified public accountant, and it was for that reason that I moved to Tucker. I honestly believed that I would spend the rest of my life in this line of work, but life had other plans for me!
My specialty was in accounting and taxes for restaurants, and I had a handful of clients who also owned restaurants, so I was able to have firsthand experience with the business side of the restaurant industry. When I went to see a relative in California, the party she was hosting included Nothing Bundt Cakes, and when I had one, I couldn’t believe how delicious it was.
New Development Being Constructed
After a number of years had passed, there was a new development being constructed in Tucker, and I thought it was a fantastic place for something. At that moment, I recalled the amazing bite of cake that I had in California, and from there, the trip began.
Tell Me About A Typical Day In Your Life And The Things That Happen.
My average day begins with me waking up early and making nothing bundt cakes birthday. I check the labor schedule as well as the baking plan to make sure that we will be able to fulfill all of the orders. After that, I organize my delivery and devise a strategy for the day’s marketing.
We have just recently acquired a GIANT Bundt Mobile, which I thoroughly enjoy loading up and driving throughout the city in order to spread happiness and, of course, our delectable Bundt Cakes.
What Does It Mean To Run A Small Business Under Your Name
Because I run a locally owned and operated company, I have complete authority over the conditions under which my employees and I perform our jobs. There are a lot of people that put in a lot of effort, but they don’t always see the fruits of their labor. I make it a point to first protect and support the members of my team, and I reward them based on a variety of factors.
but principally on their worth and the amount of nothing bundt cakes coupon $5 off. they put in. When individuals are happy in their work, everyone benefits, and that includes our wonderful customers, who regularly let me know how much they like coming to our Tucker location simply because the atmosphere is pleasant and the service is reliable. #teamworkmakesthedreamwork
The Most Gratifying Aspect Of Running Your Own Small Business
The ability to ACTUALLY make other people in my neighborhood happy is the aspect of owning a small business in Tucker (Atlanta) that I find to be the most satisfying and rewarding.
What Aspects Of Tucker Do You Find Most Endearing
Tucker has proven to be an incredible community for us; not only did we not have anything comparable in the area, but the community itself was thrilled to have us move here. It turned out to be the best choice we’ve ever made.