As a developer, it’s important to know which errors your users are experiencing. If you don’t know, you can’t be sure that your site is functioning as expected and providing the best experience for your clients.
In this article, we will learn about different types of HTTP Response code errors.
404 Not Found.
If a page cannot be found, the server returns a 404 Not Found error. If a page has been moved or deleted, this may cause the site’s search engine rankings to fall. You can tell whether or not this is true by looking at your website analytics and seeing if Google Analytics or other tracking tools are reporting problems with visitors accessing your site (i.e., they’re not seeing anything).
If you see that there are lots of errors like this on your website—especially when they’re coming from mobile devices—it might mean that something needs updating in order for users’ computers/mobile phones/etc., which is why we’ll talk about some ways that you could fix these errors later in this article!
Another similar error is the HTTP 406 Error.
401 Unauthorized
This response code is often used when a client tries to access a resource without proper authorization. For example, if you’re logging in via HTTP and your credentials aren’t validated by the server, then you’ll see this error code.
403 Forbidden
403 Forbidden is the error most commonly seen on the client side, and it’s often caused by an authorization issue.
- The client is trying to access a resource that they’re not authorized to use. For example, if your client attempts to add an item catalog item to an online store, but you’ve disabled that feature for security reasons.
- The client may be trying to access a resource that does not exist at all (for example a product ID or category).
400 Bad Request
The 404 Not Found error is one of the most common HTTP status codes, and it can be caused by missing parameters. This means that you’re trying to send data somewhere and something got turned off or deleted before you could send it. You can also get this error if your request has malformed headers or a malformed URL.
The 500 Internal Server Error is another common HTTP status code—it means there’s an error with your server but not necessarily within yourself! If this happens, there are some things that might help: try again later; check for any other errors related to poor performance (like network latency); or contact us directly via support@kotlykin-marketing-agency.com so we can help troubleshoot further!
429 Error
A 429 error occurs when a web server returns a response code of 429. This is the equivalent of an internal HTTP status code and means that something has gone wrong with the request or response.
A common cause for this error is missing or incorrect permissions on your Web Server. In other words, you have not granted access to certain users or groups so they can make requests on behalf of others in their organization who need access to these resources (a low-level example would be WordPress installing itself as an administrator account). You can also see this issue if there are too many users trying to log into one server at once by using brute force attacks (which may be why most servers have some kind of security measure built into them).
501 Error
The 501 error is a server error. It’s not an issue with your code, but rather it’s an issue on the server side.
- The server cannot process the request due to an internal error (e.g., database corruption).
- The server is temporarily unable to service your request because of maintenance downtime or capacity issues (e.g., backups being run).
500 Internal Server Error
The 500 Internal Server Error is a generic HTTP status code that means that the server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. The error occurs when there is something wrong with your application, such as if you have not included all of the information needed in order for it to function properly. If this happens, you’ll receive this error message when someone tries to access your website or application via their browser.
502 Bad Gateway
502 Bad Gateway is a server error that occurs when a gateway server receives an invalid response from an upstream server. This can happen for many reasons, including:
- The client’s connection has been reset by the user or by their operating system.
- There’s been a problem with the client’s IP address and port number in use, or the TCP/IP stack may have been configured incorrectly.
- Your web server has received an invalid response from another application on your network (e.g., Apache), or maybe even just because it was misconfigured in some way (for example, if your PHP code is doing something odd).
503 Service Unavailable
This error code can be returned when there is an internal problem with the server. It indicates that the request has been processed successfully and will be retried later.
The 503 error code is used in response to a client’s request for a file that does not exist on the server. For example, if you try to access your local computer’s hard drive through Windows Explorer, you’ll see this message instead of downloading anything useful:
There are many different types of client-side errors.
Client-side errors are caused by the client and not the server. The client is responsible for any problems that occur on their computer, so it’s important to know how to detect them.
Client-side errors can be caused by your browser or by another piece of software running on your computer (like a virus). They can also be caused by something else entirely, like an operating system problem or hardware failure.
Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the different types of client-side errors and how to handle them. When it comes down to it, your website is only as good as its code. You need to take care of each and every error that can happen on your site or else it could lead to serious problems down the road. So stay vigilant in your efforts to keep up with these common issues.