Now a days digital marketing is on top position, that’s why people are using SEO skills for get ranking on Search engines. You should learn what is the mean of search engine and how search engine works. And how we can help to the Search engine for rank our content web site or our blog.
What is The mean of SEO
SEO mean Search engine optimization. If you write something on any web site or you just start a blog and want to rank on Google for the purpose that people get benefit from your blog or content, then you should must use SEO technique for ranked your content on search engine. Google or other Search engine allow the user for use the keyword for search the internet content.
What is Keyword and how we can use
If someone want to get the information about local movers and packers in Dubai, then he or she will open the browser and type in search engine. He or she the user will type the same topic or keyword in the search bar which the user want to get information. This is called keyword and this keyword can ranked your content on the internet for the user and peoples and your target audience.
But this is also important thing to understand the basic principle information of keyword. You can also get the some suggestions for the keyword for rank your content on internet.
What are suggestions keywords
A keyword In a focus words call it a word that discuss the your content on your page or your best post. A keyword is the best search engine term on that you want to ranking on that keyword or on your page. As we discus already that if someone want to search local movers and packers in Dubai, then the user will type on the browser or in the search box. The engine will start to find your web site or page on that specific keyword.
One more example of search something with the help of keyword
We already search local movers and packers in Dubai. And now we will discus here one more keyword which we can search on search engine. We can search with the help of another keyword Persian carpet cleaning services in Dubai. So this is our another keyword which we are looking for on our search engine. The search engine will take some time and after find the page you can get access on your result which you are looking for.
How you can find the Target audience
Lets say if you have a website about Mirror hanging service in Dubai. You will sell all your sorts and types of mirrors. Your blog about your mirror styles, size, color, fancy or simple, how to look and when buy. You will use the information about your mirror and you share this information to the user and then you will get reviews about your mirror hanging service in Dubai.
You will think what people are thinking about, what they are looking for on search engine. How their query looks like. These are all the part of keywords and get your target audience.
Why keywords are important for content writer.
This is the factor of a ranking your blog, website, or content from you on search engine. The search engine save many billion of pages in their library. When we put a keyword in the search engine search bar, then search engine find the relevant page web site or content from the library and show you the result which you are looking for. So this is the reason we should use the keyword in our content , blog, article, or our web site.
What is thin content in the Search engine optimization field
Thin content mean if your article, blog, or your web site landing page have the words less then three hundred words, this is called thin content. This is the against of search engine policy. If you are going to write any article on any niche then you should write about five hundred words minimum. This is another search engine ranking factor topic.
But the only single search engine is not the only reason you should also keep in mind your audience what they need, what they want to get the information from the search engine. You always focus your visitors and potential clients. You need to involve into your audience and visitors.
Keywords of Movers and packers in Dubai
Here are the some example of movers keywords which you can use in your article. You can use these keywords in your blogs, article, and in your website content. First keyword is local movers and packers in Dubai. Best movers and packers services in Dubai. Villa movers and packers in UAE. Best storage services in Dubai. International movers and packers in Dubai. Best apartment movers and storage in dubai.
What is Keyword stuffing tip for remember in your keyword article
If you know that what is the keyword stuffing and why you not want to use in your keywords or tags. If you repeat a keyword in your article blog or in your content then this is called keyword stuffing. This is the against of Google search engine policy. We should keep away from these type of keyword stuffing. You should use original and useful keywords in your content. You can add the keywords like your content niche. If your niche about AC installation service then you can use multiple keywords. For example Ac repair service in Dubai. Ac installation and repairing service in Dubai. Best electrician service in Dubai.
These are the some example which are using in daily life searches. But SEO is also a good skill which you need to do in your content and on Search engine. When your visitor find the good information in your content then your content will ranked automatically on search engines and other engine which are people using.